Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fingers Crossed..

I sat down to write something after a long long time...but the most difficult part was...what should I write about...coz m not going through a very happy phase of my life currently...
These days I'm fighting a battle...struggling every day to get my way through...keeping my optimistic spirits high and my will undeterred and unnerved...!!!

There are certain situations which put ur life in jeopardy...making each and every moment unpredictable...goals undecided...dreams unattended...and a dash of uncertainty encircling your life always...

Many a times i've stumbled down the path..falling into pieces...but every time a fleeting ray of hope gave me the strength to gather all the broken pieces...n start all over again...

Honestly, now I am tired of this tryst with destiny, this viscious game of Hide n Seek, this toil, this unprecedented struggle...

I am clueless as to what awaits me...whether the impending decision will be in my favor or not...Whether my endurance will pay off or not...all I know is that i fought with all my might...
putting in humongous effort along with hell lot of perseverance...

The future has always been an alluring mystery for everyone...and so is the case with me...

I hope my next post exhibits happiness...with my victory... :)

Fingers Crossed...!!!


  1. YOU ARE MAD! Nothing is sad in your life. And nothing can be sad when you have ME! :D

  2. :)


